Submitted by admin on

As described below, we have confirmed a bug with the most recent version of BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), currently in use at the CC. CC BlackBerry users on Exchange are unable to use the Out of Office Assistant to autorespond to messages. When set, they may autorespond for a time (usually 20 minutes), but will then stop or revert to an older message. The most recent patch from RIM was applied but did not fix the problem. RIM is aware but has not been able to provide an estimate for a fix. We will continue to work this issue and will post updates as they become available.

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We have identified a problem with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server4.1.4.12 version (MAPI CDO 1.2.1 - 6.5.7638) with Exchange 2007,Exchange 2007 SP1 and the Out of Office (OOF)message getting corruptedcausing the Out of Office to stop sending notifications.

If you set the Out of Office using OWA 2007 or Outlook 2007 it and theend-user had BES service, the OOF will initially reply within the first20 minutes. After 20 minutes the OOF stops responding even though itsays it is active.

Additionally, if you view the OOF settings from the BlackBerrry device,it will show the Internal Out of Office message rather than theExternal OOF message.