Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description | Date Sort ascending |
Outage | Sendmail Outage on Webhosting | Sendmail outage on web-plesk5. | |
Outage | Office 365 Webmail Outage | GT Office 365 outage. | |
Maintenance | BuzzMart Scheduled Maintenance | BuzzMart/SciQuest Release 16.1 | |
Outage | Office 365 Intermittent Crashes | Some Office 365 users may experience intermittent crashes when using Outlook 2013 or the Skype for Business clients. | |
Maintenance | Campus Core Router Maintenance | Campus scheduled network maintenance. | |
Outage | College and School Website Outage | Website outage. | |
Maintenance | Campus Network Scheduled Maintenance | Campus core router maintenance. | |
Maintenance | LAWN Scheduled Maintenance | Campus LAWN maintenance. | |
Maintenance | OIT Web Hosting Security Changes | Security improvements. | |
Outage | Campus Network Intermittant Outage | Campus VPN and LAWN outage. | |
Outage | Killerbee4 Emergency Reboot | Emergency reboot to restore service. | |
Maintenance | Banner Scheduled Maintenance | Routine maintenance. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Maintenance | Campus VPN Maintenance | Routine VPN appliance maintenance. | |
Maintenance | Departmental VPN Maintenance | Routine VPN appliance maintenance. | |
Maintenance | School Websites Maintenance | The CoC school sites will be briefly offline. | |
Outage | Killerbee SSH Outage | SSH service on the killerbee cluster is unresponsive. | |
Maintenance | Campus Network Scheduled Maintenance | Scheduled campus network maintenance to upgrade one of the core campus routers. | |
Maintenance | Server Issues | TSO will move the CoC staff feedback form at to a new server. | |
Outage | CCSAMBA Outage | Samba home directory outage. | |
Maintenance | Outland Firewall Policy Change | Firewall policy change. | |
Maintenance | VMPS Server Emergency Maintenance | One of the two VMPS servers for the CoC has become unresponsive and must be rebooted. | |
Outage | Campus-wide DUO Outage | Dual authentication (DUO) outage. | |
Maintenance | CoC Email Aliases Maintenance | TSO will apply updates to its email aliases file. | |
Maintenance | OIT Web Hosting Maintenance | OIT's web hosting service planned maintenance. |